A series of lectures on the Ling Fei Jing calligraphy style of the Tang era
Lecture 1. The practice of writing a long horizontal line in the Ling Fei Jing style. Video 3. Technique for writing a horizontal line. The master draws attention to some of the most important aspects when writing a horizontal line in the Ling Fei Jing style.
A series of lectures on the Ling Fei Jing calligraphy style of the Tang era
Lecture 1. The practice of writing a long horizontal line in the Ling Fei Jing style. Video 2. Important calligraphic techniques and common mistakes. In this video, the master talks about such important calligraphic aspects as “concentrated tip”, “Tsaoshi fali”, and also touches upon the mistakes that are often made by beginners when studying calligraphy, for example, “oblique tip”, “brush drawing”.
A series of lectures on the Ling Fei Jing calligraphy style of the Tang era
Lecture 1. The practice of writing a long horizontal line in the Ling Fei Jing style. Video 1. Holding a brush. The video tells in detail about how to hold the brush correctly, and about the aspects such as stability, height, freedom of holding the brush.
The art of calligraphy
The video briefly introduces the definition of the art of calligraphy, its features, principles, and also addresses the issue of calligraphic aesthetics and calligraphic science.